7059 N. Greenview Avenue

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7059 N. Greenview Avenue is the Rogers Park Presbyterian Church.

This location was in the 1990 Annual Fall House Tour.

The Rogers Park Community was canvased in 1909 to determine the feasibility of locating a Presbyterian Church in the neighborhood. Sufficient interest was shown so that the Rogers Park Presbyterian Church was officially organized by the Presbytery of Chicago on January 13, 1910, with forty-four members. This congregation first conducted services in Sheridan Hall, on the northeast corner of Clark Street and Lunt Avenue.

In 1911, the congregation purchased the present property on the northeast corner of Greenleaf Avenue and Greenview Avenue. With a view toward expansion, the first church building, dedicated on June 30, 1912, was constructed along the northern edge of the property. This portion of the present building, which has been in continuous use since its completion, currently serves as the church parlor.

As anticipated, within 10 years, this facility became inadequate. In 1922, a fundraising campaign was undertaken with a goal of raising $150,000 for a new structure. On October 1, 1925, after accepting a low bid of $151,698 from one of seventy-two prospective contractors, ground was broken for construction of the present (1990) church. The cornerstone was laid on November 22, 1925. Although still sealed, church records indicate the cornerstone contains a roll of the church membership, a list of contributors to the building fund, several Presbyterian and church publications and copies of the Chicago Evening Post and Howard News Extra.

The Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, designed by the Chicago architectural firm of Ivar Viehe-Ness and Company is constructed of face brick trimmed with Bedford Limestone carved in the Early English Gothic style of the 13th Century. The main sanctuary and chancel have groined, vaulted ceilings with ribs which spring from carved plaster consoles and pilaster caps. Although communion was served in the sanctuary on December 12, 1926, the new church was not dedicated until January 22, 1927.

The pulpit furniture, baptismal font, organ, and stained glass windows in the chancel all date from completion of the new church in 1927. The stained glass windows on the north wall of the sanctuary were moved from the old church and date from 1918. The four Evangelist windows on the south wall were installed in 1944, in memory of Reverend Alvin A. Smith D.D., a pastor of the congregation since 1930. The oldest stained glass, which was installed at the time of construction of the original building in 1912, is located on the west facade of the north portion of the structure.

In 1990, the congregation consisted of approximately 80 members. The building was also used by the Romani Christian Church, St. Thomas Orthodox Church of India, Mount Zion Seventh Day Adventist Church, Natian Church of God, Bethel Presbyterian Church Of Ghana Chicago and Word of Life Ministries.

Chicago Landmarks Historic Resources Survey

Architect: Viehe-Naess, Ivar

Historic Name: Rogers Park Presbyterian Church

Community: Rogers Park (01)

Address: 7059 N. Greenview Avenue, see: 7043 N. Greenview Avenue

Constructed: Started in 07/01/1927

Classification: Building

Style: Gothic Revival

Type: Church

Color Code: Possesses potentially significant architectural or historical features (OR)

Landmark? N

National Register? N

Major Tenant: Rogers Park Presbyterian Church

Building Details: Gothic (French), Tudor

Pin: 1132105015


RPWRHS photo B028-0401 shows a Minstrel Show - at Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, 7059 N. Greenview Avenue, March 15, 1936.

RPWRHS photo C041-11844 shows the Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, 7059 N. Greenview Avenue in 1915.

RPWRHS photo E002-10201 shows a social gathering at Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, 7059 N. Greenview Avenue. No date given.

RPWRHS photo E002-10202 shows a Banner being held by four unidentified women with three unidentified men standing in back standing in front of the Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, 7059 N. Greenview Avenue. The banner reads Block 5 Zone 5. No date given.

RPWRHS photo M067-0301 shows the Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, 7059 N. Greenview Avenue Choir in 1944.

RPWRHS photo R034-11845 shows the Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, 7059 N. Greenview Avenue in 1931.

RPWRHS photo R044-0142 shows the Rogers Park Presbyterian Church, 7059 N. Greenview Avenue, in 1950s.