Burr, Albert Henry

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Albert Henry Burr Soundex Code B600

Albert Henry Burr, physician;

born in: Hancock County, Illinois, on Monday, August 19, 1850;

son of: Andrew and Harriet E. Burr nee: Harriet E. Dickinson;

education: prepared for college at Hedding Collegiate Seminary, Abingdon, Illinois to 1871; graduated from Northwestern University, Ph.B., 1877; Chicago Medical College, 1881;

Marriages: 1st 1879, Lizzie L. Burr, nee: Lizzie L. Westlake (died, Friday, March 18, 1881); 2nd. Chicago, Thursday, November 5, 1885, Johanna Burr, nee: Johanna Hess;

Children: Marguerite H. Burr, Walter Andrew Burr.

Engaged in general practice of medicine from 1881.

Adjunct professor of medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1897-1900;

attendant physician Provident Hospital

Member: Chicago Medical Society, American Medical Association;

former member: Chicago Academy of Sciences.



Office: 100 State St. (1905), 32 N. State St. (1917)

Residence: 950 W. Pratt Avenue (1905), 1317 W. Farwell Avenue (1917), 6800 N. Sheridan Road (1919).

Source: Book of Chicagoans, 1905, Book of Chicagoans, 1917, Rogers Park Directory, 1919, page 13.