Signer, Fred Edmund
Fred Edmund Signer, transportation manager;
born in: Buffalo, New York, on Wednesday, May 26, 1869;
son of: Charles L. Signer and Lena M. Signer, nee: Lena M. Habig
education: Buffalo public schools until 1882;
married: Lyle Signer, nee: Lyle Wiltshire, in Chicago, on Wednesday, February 27, 1895;
daughters: Marjorie Signer, Dorothy Signer.
After filling various minor positions in Buffalo was clerk (1 year) of Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia Railway, Buffalo, to June 1887;
clerk: Chicago and Atlantic Railway, Chicago, to December, 1887;
Southern Pacific Railway, Los Angeles, California, to November 1888;
Chicago and Atlantic Railroad, Chicago, to March 1889;
clerk: Wabash Railroad, Chicago, until April 189S;
Chicago Board of Trade representative Wabash Railroad until May 1900;
agent: Wabash & Lackawanna Dispatch until April 1902;
general freight and passenger agent Chicago, Cincinnati & Louisville Railroad until August 1903;
since then manager Lehigh & Wabash Dispatch, until January 1906.
Assistant General Freight Agent, Wabash Railroad, St. Louis, Missouri, until Monday, November 26, 1906.
General Freight Agent, Wisconsin Central Railway until April 1, 1909, when it was absorbed by the Soo Line Railroad
Now (1911), General Freight Agent, Soo Line Railroad, Chicago Division.
Clubs: Union League Club, Birchwood Country Club, Chicago Traffic Club
Recreation: golf
Office: Ellsworth Building, 1905; Merchants Loan & Trust Building, 1911.
Residence: 1218 W. Pratt Avenue, 1905, 1911;