Gash, Abram Dale
Abram Dale Gash Soundex Code G200
born in: Macon County, Missouri, on Monday, February 11, 1861;
son of: William Thomas Gash and Maria Gash, nee: Maria Dale
education: public schools of Macon County, Missouri;
married 1st Wife: Nannie Dorothy Gash;
son, Lowell Edwin Gash;
married 2nd wife:,Maude Gash, nee: Maude Blomquist on Wednesday, April 12, 1905;
children: William Alexander Gash, Abram Dale Gash, Jr., Rose Marie Gash.
Was Deputy Circuit Clerk of Macon County, Missouri, 4 years
removed to Utah, 1890, and admitted to The Bar there, 1891
pros. attorney for Utah County, Utah, 2 terms;
was Judge Advocate General, with rank of Colonel, on staff of Governor Caleb Walton West, of Utah, 1893-6;
came from Utah and engaged in practice in Chicago since September, 1898;
president Illinois Highway Commission;
director Victor Electric Corporation
Member Illinois State Bar Association
active campaign speaker.
Freemasons, Utah, 1897;
member Edgewater Lodge and honorary member of Columbian Lodge;
Lafayette Chapter;
Knights Templar honorary member Lincoln Park Chapter;
Author: The False Star: a tale of the Occident (hist, novel), and many poems.
Office: 118 N. LaSalle Street
Home: 1512 W. Juneway Terrace, 1917, 1919.
Source: Book of Chicagoans, 1917, Rogers Park Directory, 1919, page 29.