Mann, Mathias
Mathias Mann Soundex Code M500
Mathias Mann was born in Illinois and worked as a farmer.
On Monday, April 29, 1878, the first election for village officers was held, resulting in the choice of the following Trustee: Mathias Mann.
Mathias Mann served as a Trustee on the Rogers Park Village Board, 1878, 1890, 1891.
History of Cook County, Illinois; The Earliest Period to the Present Time; Complete in One Volume. 1884, Page 463.
Biographical Sketches of Rogers Park
Mathias Mann, farm gardener, was born in Chicago, Friday, February 16, 1844. His parents Tillman Mann and Katrina Mann, settled in Chicago in 1842, when his father worked in a brick yard; shortly afterward coming to Evanston Township, where he bought the present farm from Philip McGregor Rogers.
His father, Tillman Mann died there Friday, January 26, 1872. and his mother, Katrina Mann, Sunday, September 10, 1882. Mathias Mann lived with his parents on the farm up to their deaths, since which time he has carried on the farm. He has been Trustee of the Village of Rogers Park for two years, school director for six years, and director of St. Henry's Catholic Church.
Mathias Mann was married to Margaret Mann, nee: Margaret Muno2, of Prussia, Thursday, April 23, 1868.
They have six children: