Schulz, Otto

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Otto Schulz, pianos and organs.

Born: Chicago, Monday, August 15, 1870.

Son of: Mathias Schulz and Mary Schulz.

Education: Chicago public schools, Morgan Park Military Academy.

Married: Emma Schulz, nee: Emma Jung, Chicago, Sunday, February 5, 1899.

Children: Marie Schulz, Otto Schulz, Jr., Carl W. Schulz, George H. Schulz, and William M. Schulz.

In office of American Varnish Company 1885-6. Otto Schulz

In 1886, entered factory of M. Schulz & Company, founded 1869, manufacturers of pianos and organs of which his father was head, and after latter's death, 1899, succeeded him as president of the company.

Also president of the Werner Piano Company.

Director, American Varnish Company, Security Bank


32 degree Mason

Clubs: Northwest Club, Chicago Athletic Club, Chicago Press Club

Recreation: Motoring

Office: 711 N. Milwaukee Avenue, 1911.M. Schulz & Company

Residence: 2142 W. Columbia Avenue, 1911.

Source: Book of Chicagoans, 1911, page 601.